01303 279 892
07860 473 687
East Kent 24/7 Emergency Service

Emergency Boiler Replacement in Ashford, Kent

This week an old Potterton Powermax was beyond repair. We replaced and upgraded the system to a new Ideal Logic...

Record of Achievement: Hand Hygiene Course

The World Health Organisation have published a course that you can be enrolled in regarding hand hygiene. We have passed...

Gary Miller Gas Services Ltd supporting the NHS & Key Workers!

New signs for the van showing our support to the NHS and key workers! We are open for all your...

THANK YOU NHS, Gary Miller Gas Services Ltd

Thank You NHS and Key Workers! You’re doing an amazing job! Gary Miller Gas Services Ltd are open during Covid-19...

Are you a Landlord? This is a MUST!

Are you a Landlord? It is a MUST that you have a gas safety inspection carried out every year within 12...